
After setting up some parameters and ingesting data, Charts will most likely be your first tool to create new visualizations.

Charts allow you to view your data historically over any given time period.

To help keep charts organized, you can set them up within different groups and sections.


Groups are the highest of the folder tree within Charts. They allow you organize sections into common groups. For example, it may be beneficial to create a Group for every machine you are logging with INDAQ.

If you haven't already created a group in INDAQ, you can navigate to the Charts page to get started.

screenshot of page showing new chart group

To create additional groups you can select "+ New Chart Group" in the Charts sidebar.

screen of sidebar where to add additional chart groups

You don't have to worry about the getting the name just right as you can also edit the group name later as need in the image above.


Once you have created a Chart Group, you can then split your visualizations into more Sections. For example, you can split a group into different sections for each step of the machine, or for different types of outputs like temperature or speed.

After you select a Group, if you haven't created a Section, you will be prompted to do so.

screenshot of page showing new chart section

If you have already created a Section, you can always create more in the Sidebar under your active Group.

screen of sidebar where to add additional chart groups


After you have created a Section you can now start created charts. When prompted give your new chart a name.

screenshot of page showing new chart

Chart Options

Now that we have a chart we can start specifing what data the chart will display.

Axes Options

Within a chart you can use both the left and right axes to display different parameters. Here you can customize the name of the axes on the charts, as well as override the default min/max value on the chart for that axis.

By default the chart minimium will try to stay around 0 and the maximum will dynamically adjust to fit the data displayed.

All Parameters

Within the All Parameters table, you can search for parameters you wish to add to the chart. You can use the tags dropdown, to filter the list of parameters shown. When selecting multiple tags, you can use the mode toggle to switch between or, where any of the tags have to present, or and where all of the tags have to be present. You can also use the search input, to filter by the Parameter name.

Selecting a row will add that parameter to the charts.

Enabled Parameters

Once you have added a parameter to the chart, you can further customize how that parameter is stepped. You can use the position dropdown to change which side the parameter is aligned to, as configured in the axes options. Marking a parameter as stepped will disable the default smoothing of the line in the chart.

Chart Viewing

Once you have configured your charts, its time to now use them to display some data.

At the top of Chart Sections is the viewing options.

screenshot of chart view options

Time Range

INDAQ provides a couple of shortcuts for viewing data within a preset duration, you can specify an exact start and end time.

  • 5 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 6 hours
  • 12 hours
  • 1 day
  • 1 week

Auto Update

By default, INDAQ will auto update the data displayed within the charts with any new ingested data. This can be toggle on or off using the Auto Update checkbox.

Explictly selecting a start and end time will also toggle auto update off.


In order to provide a fast and relible service, INDAQ does not send the entire data set when viewing Charts. Instead INDAQ will downsample the data using the selected mode.

NoneThis mode is based off the LTTB algorithm and will try to smoothe out any outliers in the data.
AverageThis mode will average all of the values with each bucket
PeakThis mode will select the highest value in each bucket
ValleyThis mode will select the smallest value in each bucket


With this option you can configure the tooltip that is display when you hover over the chart.

SingleOnly show the parameter value that is currently being hovered over
AllShow all parameters for the time that is currently being hovered over
NoneDisabled all tooltips

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