
drive.web parameters follow these URL schemas:

driveweb://<IP>/<Value Type>/<ID>
driveweb://<IP>/<Value Type>/<ID>/<bit>


IPv4 IP address of the drive.web device, you are trying to connect to. This must be on the same network as the LAN side of the INDAQ interface.

Value Type

The value type of the drive.web parameter you are trying to read from the device. This is used to determine how to interpret the raw value from the device.

Value Type NameValue Type IdDescription
single bitu1A single bit value.
signed 16 bit integeri16A 16-bit signed integer.
unsigned 16 bit integeru16A 16-bit unsigned integer.
signed 32 bit integeri32A 32-bit signed integer.
unsigned 32 bit integeru32A 32-bit unsigned integer.
32 bit floating pointf32A 32-bit floating point number.


The drive.web parameter id to read from the device. This is a 16 bit unsigned value, ranging from 1 to 65536.


When selecing the single bit value type, you can specify the bit to read from the register. This is a 0 based revsered index, which 0 indicating the least significant bit.

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