INDAQ Interfaces

Interfaces are the gateway between the INDAQ service and your network.

What is an Interface?

An interface is a embedded device that we will ship to you, pre-configured for your organization. Once powered on and provided with an internet connection, the interface will start working right away to collect data from your devices.

Network Configurations

The interface is designed to work with many different network environments. We provide a tool in the INDAQ UI to re-configure the network settings of the interface to match your network.

The interface has two network ports available to be configured, one for the local network (LAN) and one for internet bound traffic (WAN). Both ports can be configured independently for DHCP or static IP addresses.

In most scenarios, you can use a single network port for both the local network and internet bound traffic, by only using the WAN port.

Project Availability

By default, when you request an Interface it will only be accessible by a single project. It is possible make the Interface available in all project within your organization by contacting support.

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